Camera veilingen

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Veiling sluit: 29.01.2025 - 20u15

Bod (34): 499,00 €
The Rolleilfex 3,5F was delivered with a Planar or Xenotar lens, this offered version is...
Veiling sluit: 29.01.2025 - 20u16

Bod (17): 139,00 €
Predecessor of the well-known Horizon and Horizon 202 cameras, this one was built betwee...
Veiling sluit: 29.01.2025 - 20u17

Bod (8): 60,00 €
Clean and good working portrait lens for the Hasselblad 500 series, early silver ve...
Veiling sluit: 29.01.2025 - 20u18

Bod (30): 775,00 €
Top model of the high quality metered prisms, usable on almost any Hasselblad model. TTL...
Veiling sluit: 29.01.2025 - 20u19

Bod (12): 2.000,00 €
Digital medium format in a lightweight and portable housing, that is the amazing Hasselb...
Veiling sluit: 29.01.2025 - 20u20

Bod (2): 25,00 €
This hard to find interval meter is made for the Hasselblad 500 EL and 500EL/M series, f...
Veiling sluit: 29.01.2025 - 20u21

Bod (9): 850,00 €
Shooting documentary with your Hasselblad X camera with 2-3 or more lenses? This one tak...
Veiling sluit: 29.01.2025 - 20u22

Bod (16): 79,00 €
This is an amazing medium format camera, digital and with 37,5MP, a bright and large opt...
Veiling sluit: 29.01.2025 - 20u23

Bod (11): 96,00 €
In the early 70s, Canon and Nikon were competing and had professional cameras on the mar...
Veiling sluit: 29.01.2025 - 20u24

Bod (7): 31,00 €
Specially made for the Minolta XM (or Minolta X-1 or Minolta XK), this is a rare finder ...
Veiling sluit: 29.01.2025 - 20u25

Bod (4): 31,00 €
For use on the Linhof 4x5” cameras, this is a 56x72 filmback, made to use with 120...
Veiling sluit: 29.01.2025 - 20u26

Bod (16): 999,00 €
Latest version of the digital Pentax 645 series, a modern AF medium format camera, with ...